Great River Technology revised its part numbers effective April 15, 2013. In response to customer requests for more concise numbers, we have introduced a system that remains meaningful yet increases manageabIlity.
As before, we identify our parts using an intelligent system—that is, one using meaningful designations for product characteristics. At the same time, we have tightened the system to avoid part number truncation's that occurred in the ordering systems of some customers.
Each GRT part number now consists of six 2-digit fields for standard configurations plus a 4-digit field assigned by GRT for customization. Hyphens can be used to separate the fields, where customers find that convenient, but the hyphens are not an element of the part numbers themselves.

GRT cards and some other products use these 2-digit fields in their part numbers:
Product Group (P) —Indentifies major product area, such as the Matrix Series product (MX)
Form factor (F) —PCIe (E1), PCIe4 (E4), XMC (X4), etc.
Type (T) —System type in which product is incorporated, such as ARINC 818 (A8) or HOTLink II video (HV)
Interface (I) —Identifies the physical nature of the link, such as copper 75Ω (B7) or fiber optic at 1310nm (O3)
Link rate (L) —In many cases given in multiples of 1.0625 Gbps (1X), such as 2.125 Gbps (2X) and 4.25 Gbps (4X)
Video port (V) —DVIrx (DR), DVItx (DT), etc.
For exmpale, the part number for a Matrix Series card for an ARINC 818 system might begin: MX-E4-A8-O3-4X-DT or MXE4A8O34XDT.
Further information
The datasheet for each product group lists the detailed information for building part numbers in that group. Datasheets are downloadable from the Resources page or from individual product pages in this website.
Legacy part numbers
Legacy part numbers will still be honored.